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Phone: 715-490-5014
Email: info@gethowarddisposalcom
The Town of Pine Lake has contracted with Howard Disposal LLC for waste and recycle collection starting January 1st 2024. Howard Disposal will provide the kind of friendly, professional service you can only find with a local company, where the needs of our customers are top priority! Services are provided to all residential homes within the limits of Pine Lake, if the property you own within Pine Lake is vacant or a commercial unit you can disregard this notice. Howard Disposal will provide one 95-gallon cart for trash, and one 95-gallon cart for recycle
• Collection Day: The same as your current collection day on a weekly basis. Collection times may vary so we recommend setting your cart out the night before or by 5AM on collection day.
• Carts must be placed correctly to ensure collection. Carts should be placed 12- 18" off the street. Take note of how the carts are placed upon delivery to ensure proper placement.
• No overflow material will be collected. If additional carts are needed, they will be provided at the expense of the resident at $60/year per additional cart.

• Collection Day: The same as trash day and collected every other week (see calendar) Collection times may vary so we recommend setting your cart out the night before or by 5AM on collection day.
• Carts must be placed correctly to ensure collection. Carts should be placed 12- 18" off the street. Take note of how the carts are placed upon delivery to ensure proper placement.
• No overflow material will be collected. If additional carts are needed, they will be provided at the expense of the resident at $60/year per additional cart.
2024 pick-up schedule - PDF.
2025 pick-up schedule - PDF.